Une seconde vidéo (2/5) 📽️ pour présenter la nouvelle version de notre produit #ITPerformance (Menu Explore 🔭). Avoir des mesures c'est bien, mais quand il y'en a beaucoup/trop il faut savoir les retrouver 😲  Our second video (2/5) 📽️ to introduce the last version of our product #ITPerformance (Explore Menu 🔭), Getting measures is fine, but when there are numerous you have to find the good ones easily 😲  #ApplicationPerformanceMonitoring #DigitalExperienceMonitoring #NetworkPerformanceMonitoring

A second video (2/4) 📽️ to introduce the Explore module 🧮 of the new version of our #ITPerformance product, developed with the help of our customers, part of our managed service. 🕹️

We have worked on our new interface to be intuitive in its use. This video will help you in the visibility of a given site, the performance degradations of complex architectures, or the service granity of a business unit thanks to advanced filters and custom tags.

#ApplicationPerformanceMonitoring #DigitalExperienceMonitoring #NetworkPerformanceMonitoring

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